Monday, May 18, 2009

on style in Chile

As it just so happens, fanny packs are all the rage here in Chile; literally almost all of the youngsters have them, and they are actually considered cool, or at least OK.
And I, who used to wear my very own purple fanny pack from American Apparel around with pride back in the good old U.S. of A., am more than willing to join in on the trend.

So I bought one.

The fanny packs here, or canguros/bananos, come in all different sizes and styles. I opted for one with a standard girth, with varying textiles of more or less the same color scheme. But who knows, maybe my next one will be pleather.

Oh and my Chilean mother, Carola, thought it was hilarious that I had bought one--- I hope not everyone laughs at me like she did.

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